CALI-OKLAHOMA? Oklahoma Dem Gov Nominee Drew Edmondson Embraces California Liberal Mayor

Democrat gubernatorial nominee Drew Edmondson continues to show that he would govern more like Nancy Pelosi than an Oklahoma Democrat.

For months, Edmondson has been trying to mislead voters, claiming he’s really a moderate despite his long record of supporting tax-and-spend liberal policies.

But, with only less than a month left until election day, it appears Edmondson is beginning to drop this phony act. Over the weekend, Edmondson brought California Liberal and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti to Oklahoma to campaign for him. Edmondson proudly received Garcetti’s endorsement only a couple months after the Mayor attacked President Donald Trump.

Garcetti’s visit once again proves that Edmondson feels more comfortable with California and Washington DC liberals than Oklahomans.

Oklahoma can’t afford to have a California-style liberal running their state.