Brown, Kotek & Johnson: Three Peas in a Pod

Photo credit: Kaylee Domzalski, OPB

There’s a new poll out this morning in Oregon that has the Republican candidate Christine Drazan leading her Democrat opponents Tina Kotek and Betsy Johnson.

The new findings also indicate a worst nightmare for Kotek and Johnson, identifying that Oregonians see the two candidates as nothing more than a spitting image of the failed Governor Kate Brown.

Here are a few key takeaways:

  • 10% said they had a very positive view of Governor Kate Brown
  • 13% had a very positive opinion of Tina Kotek
  • 9% had a very positive opinion of Betsy Johnson

“With nearly half (47%) of polled voters disapproving of the least popular governor in America, these measures that put Kotek and Johnson within the margin of error for the same approval as Brown is bad news for these longtime Democrats trying their best to run from their records,” said RGA Spokeswoman Kaitlin Price. “With the majority (62%) of Oregonians seeing the state on the wrong track, voters know the only way forward in a new direction is with Christine Drazan.”