Ben Jealous’ Radical Single-Payer Plan Would Force Maryland Families To Pay More

Maryland Democrat gubernatorial candidate Ben Jealous is gaining national attention for his radical single-payer healthcare plan that could cost ‘eye-popping’ tax increases. A new piece in National Review calls out Ben Jealous for making single-payer healthcare “his signature issue” despite warnings that it would lead to unaffordable tax hikes on Maryland families.

National Review writes,

“Over in Maryland, Ben Jealous is running for the Democratic nomination for governor, and it appears he wants to make his signature issue a plan to create single-payer health care in the state, a plan that would ‘make government pay for residents’ medical care and get rid of the out-of-pocket expenses that residents pay.’”

But National Review correctly points out that when Vermont attempted to create a single-payer system, even its “liberal progressive” Democrat Governor couldn’t stomach the tax hike that would have done “serious damage to his state’s economy.”

“…the tax hikes needed to finance it would be wildly unpopular and he and his party would be thrown out by the voters at the earliest opportunity.”

Maryland Democrats are on the verge of making a major mistake by nominating a radical candidate like Ben Jealous who wants to raise taxes to the highest levels ever seen in the state.