Auto Jobs Myth

Photo Credit: Dale Young

On the heels of Ford announcing large layoffs across Michigan, and lawmakers fuming as the automaker holds onto over $100 million doled out by Whitmer’s administration, it seems appropriate to bring up one of Gretchen Whitmer’s biggest lies: auto jobs.

Whitmer loves to brag about creating 25,000 auto jobs since taking office, but the problem is those jobs don’t exist, as fact checked by the Detroit Free Press. In fact Michigan has lost 6,000 auto jobs, not to mention the 120,000 total jobs lost under Whitmer’s leadership, leading to one of the worst unemployment rates in the country.

“From failing to fix the roads, leaving Benton Harbor with unsafe drinking water, and her secret private jet vacations, Whitmer’s big auto jobs lie is just the latest example of her extreme dishonesty with Michigan voters,” said RGA Spokesman Chris Gustafson. “Whitmer’s tenure of hypocrisy, secrecy, and outright lies has left Michigan with soaring costs and less jobs, all while she refuses to provide relief.”

Read more about Whitmer’s shoddy math here.