If you misquoted sources…

Photo credit: Ross D. Franklin—AP

If you misquoted sources or failed to proofread your stories before submitting them to your editor, you wouldn’t dare ask for a promotion, right?

Well, why should the standard be different for Katie Hobbs? We learned late last night that Hobbs mailed 6,000 incorrect ballots to voters.

This isn’t Hobbs’ only screw-up as Secretary of State. Remember, in August she failed to ensure Pinal County printed enough GOP primary ballots and it resulted in election delays.

“Katie Hobbs should be ashamed that she is even asking voters for a promotion after her failures,” said RGA spokesman Will Reinert. “Arizonans wouldn’t have the gall to ask their boss for a promotion after messing up an important project at work, so why should they hold Hobbs to a different standard than the one they hold themself to?”