RGA Launches New Digital Campaign In Oklahoma Governor’s Race: “Who Is Drew Edmondson?”

WASHINGTON D.C. – The Republican Governors Association launched a new video and digital campaign in the Oklahoma governor’s race today, highlighting failed Democrat Drew Edmondson’s support of Hillary Clinton and her tax-and-spend liberal agenda.

You can visit the new website at DrewEdmondson.fyi and watch the new video here: https://youtu.be/RUHhwJ4yZvM

“Drew Edmondson stood by Hillary Clinton while she slandered Oklahomans as ‘deplorables’ and ‘backward,” said RGA Spokesman David Weinman. “Now, he wants to impose her tax-and-spend liberal agenda on Oklahoma. Edmondson is right for Washington D.C. liberals, but he’s wrong for Oklahoma.”


Remember Drew Edmondson?

A failed, tax-hiking liberal Democrat.

Edmondson supported Hillary Clinton even though she called Oklahomans “deplorables” and “backward.”

Drew Edmondson, wrong for Oklahoma.