RGA Launches “Jack Conway: Putting Obama First, Kentucky Last” Digital Campaign

WASHINGTON D.C. – The Republican Governors Association announced today the launch of a new digital campaign targeting Kentucky Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Jack Conway and his long record of putting President Obama’s agenda first and Kentucky last. This ongoing project is designed to serve as a clearinghouse for news, research and insight on Jack Conway’s support for extreme, liberal policies that have regularly put him on the wrong side of Kentucky families.

You can visit the hub for the digital campaign at www.ObamaFirstKYLast.com and follow along on Twitter at @ConwayForObama.

“Jack Conway’s vision for Kentucky is President Obama’s vision – fewer jobs, higher taxes and more regulations,” said RGA Communications Director Jon Thompson. “His weak record, including supporting Cap-and-Trade and Obamacare, shows that his allegiance lies with national Democrats like President Obama and not the people of Kentucky. Fortunately for the Bluegrass state, the November election represents an opportunity to get Kentucky back on the right track by electing Matt Bevin, a proven leader and jobs creator. This database will be critical to showcasing just how much Jack Conway has put Obama first and Kentucky last.”

In the coming weeks and months, this project will grow to include more research and insight on Jack Conway’s record and why he can’t be trusted to be an effective leader for Kentucky.
