RGA Affiliate Releases New TV Ad Campaign: Andy Beshear is Flat Out Lying

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Kentucky Values, an entity supported by the Republican Governors Association, launched a new ad in the Kentucky gubernatorial general election, “Flat Out.”

The ad details Andy Beshear’s record of allowing permanent gender change surgery for children, and will air on television and digital platforms statewide backed by a significant investment.

“Andy Beshear is flat out lying. He allowed young children to undergo permanent gender changing surgery, then told Kentuckians it wasn’t happening. Plainly put, he got caught, and it’s just another example of him putting the radical left over hardworking Kentucky families,” said Courtney Alexander, RGA National Press Secretary. 

View the ad here:


Andy Beshear is flat out lying.

I’ve never supported gender reassignment surgery for kids…

That. Is. False.

Beshear sided with the radical left, allowing young children to undergo permanent gender changing surgery.

…Those procedures don’t happen here in Kentucky.

Reports prove that gender changing surgeries were done at this Lexington facility.

Andy Beshear… caught lying. Again. What else is he lying about?
