RGA Affiliate Launches TV Ad Campaign: Andy Beshear Puts Liberal Politics Over Parents

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Kentucky Values, an entity supported by the Republican Governors Association, today launched the second ad in its investment in the Kentucky gubernatorial general election, “Without.”

The 30-second spot details Andy Beshear’s liberal record of putting liberal politics over Kentucky parents every chance he has gotten.

“Without” will air on television and digital platforms with a significant investment.

Beshear’s liberal record includes supporting making it easier for children to get abortions without telling their parents, allowing schools to refer children to psychological treatment without telling their parents, and allowing school employees to help children change genders without telling their parents.

“Andy Beshear has joined Joe Biden’s radical left war on parents at every turn. Whether it’s making it easier for children to get abortions, allowing schools to refer children to psychological treatment, or allowing school employees help children change genders, Beshear has supported all of these radical policies. Andy Beshear puts liberal politics over parents,” said Courtney Alexander, National Press Secretary. 

View the ad here:


There’s no such thing as someone else’s child.

The radical left has declared war on parents. And Andy Beshear is with ‘em.

Beshear supports making it easier for children to get abortions… without telling their parents.

He supports allowing schools to refer children to psychological treatment… without telling parents.

Beshear even supports allowing school employees to secretly help children change genders… without telling their parents.

Andy Beshear. Putting liberal politics over parents.
